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Anush is lost!

Lost Date January 4th, 5:40pm
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 2410 Uhlig Ave, Modesto, CA 95350, USA


pet found at marker location on map


Breed Domestic Longhair
Species Cat

Basic Information

Color White, Light-grey, Dark-grey, Cream
Gender Female
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 991001911305132
Pet Date of Birth 09/09/2022
Identifying Markings She has two parallel lines on her head above her eyes one side is lighter than the other
Coat Very bright blue eyes almost looks white, medium hair, half Siamese very meek and cautious but very sweet and loving. Definitely a lover not a fighter. Likes to be outside usually comes in by evening
Pet Biography I've always been a dog person. She was actually my first cat. Anush. We adopted, and I fell in love instantly. I can't imagine just going on without her. And I still feel very optimistic. I don't feel like she's lost to the world. I feel She'll find her way back, or we'll find her somehow. My mom had went to the gas station and she hopped out of the car Which is very much like her, in a way, but my mom didn't work up the nerve to tell me until the next day. I've been out there multiple times scouting Description: She's very meek and cautious but also sweet and chill. She comes to bed usually every night when I go to lay down. She likes to be outside, but usually, during the day, she doesn't stay out alk night. She has very pretty, very light blue eyes she has 2 marks above her eyes, and one is a little lighter than the other domestic medium half Siamese. Doesn't mind getting your face and hanging out and just very. Or coming in just laying on top of you. She's very sweet. We recently moved, and she got out not long after. And it's just be... For more info or to contact 510 239-3914

Owner Information

Cell Phone Number (510) 239-3914

Pet Care Information

Temperaments Chill
Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Children Yes
Type of Food Blue wilderness

Medical Information